The Kids Know It Network: Biology Domain
The Kids Know It Network is an online-learning network, a lot like a virtual homework club. It is divided into sections. Biology is predominant, but there are maths, geography and geology networks too. Unfortunately, the physical sciences are sadly underrepresented.
As a biologist, I had a nose around the biology sections. The network is easy to navigate, and the information is clearly presented and uses the same adult but child-like language your favourite primary school teacher used to use.
Each section starts off very basic, but on the whole progresses to fairly detailed explanations. The wordsearch in the games section includes words like ‘macronucleus’ and ‘chromatin’, giving an idea of the depth the website goes into and also an idea of the poor quality of the games!
Information includes a network on human biological systems such as the circulatory and endocrine system, a database of animals and a network on biology basics like the make up of the cell.
One can imagine children treating the ‘chapters’ like most undergraduates treat journal articles, using what they recognise and ignoring the rest. Because of this the website can be used by children of a variety of ages, from junior school through to years 7 or 8, but due to the lack of good games, only for work purposes.
I wondered how you came accross this site? Was it linked to by another one?
I typed 'kids' and 'science' into Google! I was hoping for a fun website with some science games but the games websites had very little to do with science, and websites like this one with science content weren;t very fun, unfortunately.
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